We have always been committed to helping the community and the world around us. This commitment has led to the creation of four charities: Caring for Communities & People (CCP), the Isbourne Foundation, IT Schools Africa (ITSA) and the Makhad Trust.
Caring for Communities & People (CCP)
Caring for Communities & People (CCP) has changed the lives of children, young people, families and vulnerable adults in Gloucestershire for over 25 years.
The Cheltenham-based charity transforms lives by preventing homelessness, strengthening families and supporting independence.
Isbourne Foundation
Established in 1995, the Isbourne Foundation is the pioneering charity for wellbeing and spiritual development in the South West of England.
The Isbourne Holistic Centre in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, offers a range of courses, workshops and talks to promote wellbeing and healthy living.
The ITSA Digital Trust
IT Schools Africa is a UK-registered charity founded in 2004 to provide access to e-learning to schools throughout Africa, and enrich children’s lives through education.
Makhad Trust
The Makhad Trust works to sustain the environment and natural heritage of the Bedouin tribes of the Sinai mountains and desert in Egypt and other nomadic regions.
The trust provides a meeting place in regions where there is a powerful relationship between the environment and the human spirit. It also offers working journeys and other environmentally friendly trips to Sinai.